Thursday, January 30, 2014


Chairman, John Ahern, making a presentation to 
outgoing Hon. Secretary, Charley McCarthy
The next meeting of the Chapter will be held in the old school, opposite the R.C. Church, in Togher at 13.30.  The demonstrators for the day will be two very experienced turners, Ger Hennessy and Peter Manning.
The subject for the competition is based on the last demonstration and can be either a bowl with a decoration or a kitchen or home utensil or fitting.

We will also discuss our forthcoming seminar to be held on the 12th April next.  The Guild Chairman, Joe Laird, will be the guest turner at that seminar.


The following is the provisional list of demonstrators for the 2014 workshops. There is an asterisk marking the workshops to be held at the demonstrator's home workshop. All the others are at the usual venue in Togher.

Unless otherwise stated the workshops are held on the third Saturday of each month. They commence at 1.30 p.m. and will always end as close as possible to 4.30 p.m.

New members, including beginners, are always welcome. If a potential member is a bit shy about walking into the group just leave a private message on our Facebook page (Cork Woodturners) and we'll arrange for an existing member to make contact and accompany the person to the first meeting, to break the ice as it were.

Feb.: Peter Manning; Ger Hennessy
March: John Ahern; John Mitchell
April: Seminar, Joe Laird, Chairman of the Guild, in Garryduff
May: John O'Shea; David Lee
June: Martin Thompson Stickmaker
July: Kieran Higgins*
August: Brian McAdoo; Paddy Lynch
Woodspun in Kinsale: Michael Pattwell, Mearea Power, Jim Donovan & Bill O'Mahony.
Sept.: Leo O'Donoghue*
Oct.: Tony Farrell*
Nov.: Brian Goulding; Seamus Healy
Dec.: (A.G.M.) Guest turner to be decided
Jan. 2015: Padraig Mac An Fheallaigh*

Membership fees (€54.00 p.a.) for 2014 are now due. Please remit to John O'Shea.

Lorcan Dunne, R.I.P.

The entire membership of the Cork Chapter of the I.W.G. were deeply distressed to learn of the death last week of Lorcan Dunne of Blackwater Woodturning outside Kenmare, Co. Kerry. Lorcan was one of those actively involved in establishing a great bond between our chapter and the Kerry chapter. Only a few months ago he and his wife, Anne, hosted a wonderful demonstration for about 25 of our members at his workshop in Kenmare. We will all sorely miss him but not, of course, even close to the way Anne will.
We offer our deepest sympathy to Anne, Lorcan's family and his many friends.
Lorcan, in his beloved workshop