Our November workshop took place today at the usual venue in Togher. This was the last workshop before the AGM, which is scheduled for Saturday, 13th December, 2014 at 10.30 a.m. The venue is our usual spot at Togher old school. Chairman, John Ahern, urged all members to attend. There will be a visiting demonstrator. This will be followed by our Christmas "Party" and each member is asked to bring along some goodies to be shared among all the attendees.
John also asked that anybody who may wish to serve on the incoming committee should give in his/her name to either himself or Hon. Sec., Mick Bouchier.
The Cork branch of the Stickmakers have a visiting carver from Wales at The Lough Scouthall (In the grounds of The Lough R.C. Church) on Sunday 23rd November from 10.00 a.m. to about 3.00 p.m. He will first give a demonstration and then conduct a short workshop. We have been invited to attend if any member wishes to.
We had two demonstrators today. First off was Brian Goulding who was giving his first demonstration on his own. He did a beautiful lighthouse, which generated much interest. Brian came well prepared with examples of his various parts pre-prepared. He demonstrated some neat practices to ensure accuracy and with the expertise of a well-practised teacher introduced each tool to the assembly before he used it.
Brian's lighthouse, before sanding/finishing |
Before the tea break the chapter had a general discussion about the ubiquitous subject, Health & Safety. It was decided to form a small sub-committee, with Ger Hennessy in the chair, of members who have experience of the subject in private industry. They will, hopefully, report back at the AGM next month.
After refreshments our demonstrator was Seamus Healy. Seamus came very well prepared also with several examples of his project, which he passed around. His subject was a square bowl made from Chestnut. With the dexterity and confidence of an old master Seamus was very soon passing around a lovely square-edged bowl. He also showed the assembly some variations, including how to make a bowl with legs and also one with handles.
Seamus Healy, with his blank mounted on the chuck.
The competition was 'a bowl' and there was an excellent entry, probably the best this year.
The full entry. |
The winners were: Beginners: 1st.......Joe Kennedy. 2nd.....Christy Fitzpatrick. 3rd......John McCarthy.
Intermediate: 1st......Brian Goulding. 2nd....Bill O'Mahony. 3rd.....Hugh Garrett.
Advanced: 1st......Gerard Hennessy. 2nd....Charley McCarthy. 3rd.....Stephen Pearson.
Brian Goulding with his lighthouse. |
Winners of "Beginners" - placed as listed, left to right. |
Winners of "Intermediate" - placed as listed, left to right. |
1st & 2nd of "Advanced" - placed as listed, left to right. Stephen Pearson had departed. |
Our demonstrators, Brian Goulding (left) and Seamus Healy. |